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Where's Wally?

"Where-w-w-where-w-w-where is Wally - can you see him?"

Picture the scene: You are in Snappy Snaps and are really excited as you have just had your holiday snaps developed and the lady behind the counter asks you to look through the prints to check they're yours. To your amazement and horror, you see the apparition of a balding be-spectacled man in the background of all of your pictures - you've been wallied! Yes it's Giles "Wally" Tebbitts.

Giles "Wally" Tebbitts

Hover over the image to see its caption. Click on the image to see an enlargement.

There he is! Wally at Woolfy's wedding!There he is! Wally mingling!There he is! Wally Three's a crowd.There he is! Wally and the Muffin Man!
There he is! Wally at the cricket. There he is! Wally frightening pedestriansThere he is! Wally in the nativity!There he is! Wally's in the band
There he is! Wally's on your televeision, at a funeral in 'The Constant Gardener'There he is! Wally's stealing the limelight from Richie's prize

Have you found Wally? If so, please send in your photo to add to our collection - drop us an email with it attached.