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Operation Yelsnot - The Second Chapter

Tonsley Day of Reckoning


The Old Parsonage in Oxford was the venue, a serious restaurant for a serious occasion: Operation Yelsnot - The Second Chapter, The Tonsley Day of Reckoning. We were gathered to judge the Tonsley Father's efforts at visiting the weirdest sporting event in the space of a year. As former judges of the competition and now competitors, great and more importantly, weird things were expected. Some did not disappoint, but a story of defiance and Tonsley shame unfolded.

The black tie dress code was fitting for such an occasion in the library room of the restaurant, and dinner started in a light-hearted and jovial manner - that was until the waitress arrived with a silver salver unveiling the ceremonial Tonsley Wigs!

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Judge S Woolf, Judge R Bruce,
Judge J Bruce and Judge A Flood

No longer light-hearted, the competitors became edgy and uncomfortable, realising their fate was about to be decided - the culmination of a year's efforts.

Each competitor had previously been required to submit one final entry from the events they visited, and it was from these that the judges would decide. Each entry was cross-examined, starting with Dick Bruce's (who unfortunately was unable to join us, as he was Chairing the inaugural Dumfries and Galloway Society of Weird Sporting Events AGM). Up Helly Aa, whilst being impressive, historical and very grand, was not deemed to be weird enough and the judges expressed their surprise that of the staggering and commendable number of weird sporting events Dick Bruce visited, this was the event he chose.

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The Human Race at the HCPT Annual Greyhound Race Night was submitted by John Flood, another impressive submission largely as a result of the devious execution of evidence gathering. John had excitedly cajoled fellow competitor Robert Bruce (Snr) (who had foolishly failed to bring his Tonsley Colours Cap to the event) to take the photographic evidence required for the submission.

Reluctantly, Robert obliged capturing a proud John Flood posing with race winners, rather like a Peacock in full plume. Rather uncharacteristically, John had failed to read the small print, and failed to submit his entry in the correct fashion, but the judges were lenient and over-looked his error.

A disgraced Robert Bruce takes his place

"The most enjoyable day out in Wales, I would highly recommend it - if it were not near Fishguard" was the feedback the judges received from the ever-competitive John Woolf, after his submission of Ras Beca's Race. Whilst other competitors wrote derogatory comments about fellow competitors and their events in their reports, thinking that it may swing the judges opinion, John Woolf wisely stuck to describing the weirdness of his event, keeping the report simple and the judges were suitably impressed.

After characteristically leaving it until the last minute, and bragging about his ability and sure-fire victory in the competition, Robert Bruce (Snr) desperately scrambled to try to put an entry together. On the final day possible, a report on Spile Troshing was finally submitted to the judges at 16:00 on 11th March 2006. By 18:00 the Tonsley Judges had smelt a rat - "IT problems" given as a reason for only one poor quality image of the competitor in front of The Bull Inn in Hambridge, Somerset holding what was claimed to be a trosher. Trosher it was not, pestle it was, The Bull it was, Hambridge it was not, and by 18:30 the judges already had a photograph of Judge Flood (Jnr) outside the same Bull Inn in Newick, West Sussex - a couple of hundred miles from the suggested location. His downfall was spectacular, rigged as a potential winner, Robert thought that he had got away with it, and that he had even won, right up until the last minute when he was ceremonially de-bagged and given a forfeit - to provide hospitality to all competitors and judges at the 2007 Gird and Clique Championships in Scotland.

And my, we are all looking forward to it!


Robert Bruce Snr: Spile Troshing Competition
 John Flood: HCPT Annual Greyhound Race Night - The Human Race
 Dick Bruce: Up Helly Aa Festival
 John Woolf: Ras Beca's Race

And so it was… the close of the Second Chapter. History is made once more.

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